I do not make resolutions at New Years. I start thinking about Lent then...so it's been almost 2 mths I've been pondering what I am going to do this year.
I am focusing on a few areas. Some are to increase my spiritual life. Some are for penance reasons. Some are to gain things and to lose other things. It is a time to reflect and refocus. To see where I can improve and what things I plan on continuining.
This year I have decided to pray more. I want to try different types of prayer.
I have a devotional book to follow.
I want to get a copy of The Way and The Dolorous Passion.
I want to give more to others. My patients at work. It has become work...a job. Not something I enjoy. I want to reconnect with why I chose nursing and incorporate it into my spiritual journey.
I want to slow down life and enjoy the moment.
I need to re-evaluate my wants vs needs. I am planning on not going on Facebook or blogging. It takes up too much of my time and is a want...not a need. I want to take that time and focus on more important things.
I also am giving up chocolate. Need some type of penance!